I recently weaned off years of
corporate a provided Blackberry to a personal smart phone. What a fantastic product and a true lesson of
innovation. The smart phone does so much
and is so user friendly. The geeks get the
Products seem to get all the focus when
it comes to innovation. Sure, leaders
must have the insight to provide the funding and vision to allow the geeks to
take off with their ideas, but what about leadership innovation at its basic
level. What should leaders be looking
for in assessing their team’s innovation?
There are a plenty! Leadership
innovation includes process improvements, recruiting successes, team maturity
accomplishments, virtual skill development, and business model overhauls. Innovation should be assessed in all we do
and of those around us. In fact, leaders
need to be careful to not set a tone of technical innovation being more
important than business innovation. They
work hand-in-hand.
What have you done lately to encourage
business model innovation?
My workplace recently upgraded from the dreaded Blackberry and the new Iphone 5. Making my job smarter and more efficient.Innovation can be found anywhere, and we need to be aware where to look.
To be innovative within the current system or to innovate radically, that is my struggle.
Excellent thoughts, John. I think I need an iPhone lesson with you!
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