Sunday, December 4, 2011

“I can make it right”

Given all our complaints about customer service, could you imagine a company only hiring “C” students and giving them the power to make management decisions to make situations right for the customer?

I’ve been a fan of the Enterprise Rent-A-Car hiring and service model for a long time and their most recent TV ads say it all. The ads have Enterprise teammates stating that if a customer ever has a problem, “I can make it right.” If you have ever dealt with Enterprise, it is true. Enterprise is family owned, hire highly social, C students with leadership potential. They train them, put them in charge and let them make decisions. Seems like such a simple concept.

Do you give your teammates the decision authority to get their job done? Do they know what decision power they have? Do you cause non-value added checks and balances?


Balu said...

Its the so called average persons that run the bulk of the organisation. With the average person, there is a scope of improvement and hence they tend to stay longer. This also helps the organisation manage the expectations. Imagine an organisation full of top performers - difficult to meet expectations and turnover would be very high.

Popisms said...

Thanks for the link to the Enterprise commercial on our site!
Connecting Pop Culture

Brian Hodgson said...

We ahve an enterprise near us and they excel at customer service, it can make all the difference in customer loyalty.

My recent experience with Amazon was also excellent.

Jason Monaghan said...

I was a manager for Enterprise at one level or another for almost four years, and I can tell you that they also have a monitoring system where they poll a percentage of each branches customers from the month prior with a single question survey. The only question is "how would you rate your most recent experience with your rental at Enterprise Rent-A-Car?" As a manager, you must maintain at least 85% of your customers respond with "completely satisfied". I can tell you that method of not going granular makes you examine every element of your business and even rectifying certain issues you inherited from your clients. One of the best customer service lessons I have ever learned, even 15 years later.

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