Monday, September 5, 2011

Power On!!!

Where has LiaV been? It has been four weeks since we last heard.

Simple enough, a week vacation and week in China and a week in India and a week in Irene! Just got power and internet back a little while ago. We got hit pretty hard, but much less than many on the coast line and in Vermont so I’m not going to tell you it was really bad. It was an event and there were few lessons.

First – we do not need much of the stuff that we have. I lived out of a suitcase for 3 weeks and then in the post-Irene world for a week. It is not a big deal. Being without power for five days made the house a quiet and dark place, but totally livable. The BBQ was going each night and everyone was helping each other. We should have started a multi-day Monopoly game.

Second – Web 2.0 technology has morphed from something for kids and shopping to a basic communication tool for those needing to get and give information. The city of New Canaan had one-way communication on their web site but their Office of Emergency Management established a Facebook page early. This allowed for two way communication and created an environment for people to communicate with each other. It made a big difference in causing everyone to work together and be part of the solution. What was the single technology that allowed this leap – the smart-phone. It does not require connected power or internet access.

There are lessons here for leaders of all types. What do you think we can do with these lessons?

1 comment:

Tim Engel said...

We must remain flexible, yet resilient. And we will survive. Steve Jobs just finally retired - he was worth $Billions - yet, he was very hard working and had amazing impact on our technology - including smart phones. We must remain open to new technology as well as flexible in our daily operations. Only then can we survive and prosper. Daily challenges and obstacles will come. How we respond will help chart our course.

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